Terms of use

Legal notice and general conditions of use of the site

Website editor

This website is published by New Duralex International, a company with share capital of 4,000,000 euros headquartered in La Chapelle Saint Mesmin (45380), France, registered in the Orléans Trade and Companies Register under number RCS 892 108 663 (hereinafter referred to as "NDI").

Publishing Director

The publication director is Mr José Luis LLACUNA.

Website host

This site is hosted by SHOPIFY INC. headquartered at 150 Elgin Street, 8th Floor, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1L4, Canada.

Website creator

This website has been created by the company VISEO, registered with the RCS of Nanterre under number 793 288 010, whose registered office is 27-33 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France.


Any total or partial representation of this Site or its contents (general structure, texts, sounds, logos, animated or non-animated images, etc.), by any process whatsoever, without the prior and express authorization of NDI or, with regard to advertising links, of the owners of the brands concerned, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable under the Intellectual Property Code.


For all technical questions relating to this Site, the Customer may contact the webmaster at relationclient@pyrex-cookware.eu. For all questions relating to an infringement of intellectual property rights, the Customer may send a letter to the following address: New Duralex International located at 7, rue du Petit Bois La Chapelle Saint Mesmin (45380) in France or via the contact form

For all questions relating to customer/consumer service, the Customer may send a letter to the following address: New Duralex International |Service Consommateur - 7, rue du Petit Bois à La Chapelle Saint Mesmin (45380) en France ou via the contact form.

Terms and conditions of use

By using the site https://www. www.duralex.com / (hereinafter referred to as the "Duralex site®"), the Customer declares that he/she is aware of and has the capacity to enter into the present GTCU, and the Customer is deemed to have accepted them. Failing this, the Customer is not authorized to use the Site or to take advantage of any rights related to its use.

  • Object and scope of the present clauses

The purpose of these GCU is to define the conditions under which the Customer may benefit from the services of the Site and/or its applications, in particular digital applications, existing or to come, of which NDI has, directly or indirectly, the use or ownership. These GCU may be modified at any time.

  • Intellectual property and copyright

The publisher holds, or has the right to use or grant, all intellectual property rights relating to the content accessible on the site, in particular texts, images, photographs, videos, logos and brands, which are protected by rights held by the publisher or its third-party partners. All brands or product names mentioned are registered by their owners.

Any partial or total reproduction, in particular for advertising or commercial purposes, as well as any adaptation, modification, use, transmission, copy, redistribution and/or exploitation, on any medium and by any means whatsoever, of all or part of these elements or contents, is strictly forbidden, except with the express prior authorization of the publisher. Any infringing use will be subject to legal action to preserve the rights of the Site and the publisher.

Only the reproduction, viewing and printing of the Site's contents are authorized for personal, non-commercial use, with mention of the sources (e.g. indication of the Site's URL).

  • Creation of links

The Site authorizes the creation of hypertext links to its content, subject to the following conditions:

- no techniques are used to embed Site pages within the pages of another site (iframe, meta refresh, etc.), but the Site is opened in a dedicated window with a visible URL;

- point directly to the Web page hosting the targeted content or, failing that, to the Site's home page.

Links created in this way may only be used for personal, associative or professional purposes; any use for commercial or advertising purposes is excluded, as is any creation of links from websites disseminating information of an illegal, pornographic, offensive, propaganda or polemical nature, or, more generally, likely to offend sensibilities or morality.

  • Site content

The main purpose of the Site is to present the various Duralex products®, how they are marketed and their conditions of use.

This website has been created by the company VISEO (RCS Nanterre 793 288 010), whose registered office is 27-33 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France.

  • AGEC law

NDI, subject to the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), is identified by the AGEC law under the unique number: FR217489_01TLIQ